Merchantville Easter Egg Hunt- POSTPONED TO 3/30

Community Center

Merchantville Easter Egg Hunt is officially postponed to March 30 due to tomorrow's impending rain. We'll see you (and the ) next week! #merchantvillenj

Merchantville Egg Hunt (rescheduled)

Merchantville Easter Egg Hunt is officially postponed to March 30 due to tomorrow's impending rain. We'll see you (and the ) next week! #merchantvillenj

Borough Council Meeting

Borough Hall One West Maple Avenue, Merchantville, NJ, United States

JLUB Meeting

Borough Hall One West Maple Avenue, Merchantville, NJ, United States

Merchantville Mutt Strut

The Merchantville Mutt Strutt is back is Saturday, April 20th! The Merchantville Business & Professional Association (MBPA) is teaming up with the Voorhees Animal Orphanage (VAO) for the K9 event of the year. **Have a pup you want to enter? Here are the details!** -Sign-up between 10-10:45 at the bike path -$5 entry fee for

Borough Caucus Meeting

Borough Hall One West Maple Avenue, Merchantville, NJ, United States

Art Walk

The Merchantville ART WALK takes over the downtown May 10, from 6-9pm! Stroll the town and enjoy art and music at 17 locations. Light refreshments served, art available for purchase!